- Skoolreëls berus op die Grondwet van die RSA en die SASW en vorm die grondslag waarop skoolreëls gefundeer en toegepas word.
- Skoolreëls bevorder die algemene opvoeding van die individuele kind, asook die welsyn van opvoedingsinrigting.
- Die doel van skoolreëls is om die skool ‘n veilige plek te maak waar ‘n atmosfeer van harmonie heers sodat doeltreffende opvoedende onderwys kan plaasvind.
- Skoolreëls spruit voort uit die kind se regsplig tot gehoorsaamheid en stel die opvoedkundige mikpunte of doelstellings duidelik aan die gemeenskap.
- Die skooluniform is ‘n verlengstuk van die skool en daarom geld alle gedragsreëls en die gesag van die skool vir die kind solank hy in uniform in die openbaar is. Leerlinge is dus verplig om alle skoolreëls na te kom solank hulle in die openbaar is.
- Indien die kind met die skool geassosieer kan word en die skool se naam hoegenaamd in die gedrang kom, is enige wandaad, ongeag of die leerling ‘n uniform aan het of nie, strafbaar.
- Indien ouers/voogde of enige ander betrokkenes weier om hulle volle samewerking te gee t.o.v. die afdwingbaarheid van die (huishoudelike reëls) Gedragskode van die Hoërskool John Vorster sal die saak aan die Beheerliggaam oorhandig word vir toepaslike optrede.
- LET ASSEBLIEF OP DAT: Enige persoon wat ‘n leerder van die skool verbied, of op enige wyse doelbewus verhinder, om ‘n huishoudelike reël wat ingevolge hierdie regulasie opgestel en in sodanige skool van toepassing is, na te kom, is aan ‘n misdryf skuldig en in die geval van ‘n eerste skuldigbevinding strafbaar met ‘n boete van hoogstens R50 of gevangenisstraf vir ‘n tydperk van hoogstens 30 dae en in die geval van ‘n tweede of verdere skuldigbevinding, met ‘n boete van hoogstens R100 of gevangenisstraf vir ‘n tydperk van hoogstens 60 dae (Staatskoerant, 1990:126).
- School rules are based on the Constitution of the RSA and the SASA and form the basis on which school rules are founded and applied.
- School rules promote the general education of the individual child, as well as the well-being of educational institution.
- The purpose of school rules is to make the school a safe place where an atmosphere of harmony prevails so that effective educational education can take place.
- School rules stem from the child’s legal duty of obedience and clearly state the educational goals or objectives to the community.
- The school uniform is an extension of the school and therefore all rules of conduct and the authority of the school apply to the child as long as he is in uniform in public. Pupils are therefore obliged to adhere to all school rules as long as they are in public.
- If the child can be associated with the school and the school’s name is in danger at all, any misconduct, regardless of whether the pupil wears a uniform or not, is punishable.
- If parents / guardians or any other parties refuse to give their full co-operation with regard to the enforceability of the (house rules) Code of Conduct of John Vorster Hoërskool, the matter will be handed over to the Governing Body for appropriate action.
- PLEASE NOTE: Should any person prohibit or intentionally prevent any learner from adhering to the regulations and in house rules of the school, such person shall be guilty of misconduct and could be fined no more than R50-00 or face imprisonment for no more than 30 days (for a first offense) and no more than R100-00 or imprisonment for no more than 60 days for subsequent offenses (Government Gazette, 1990:126).