Die grondslag waarop hierdie gedragskode berus, is die Grondwet van die RSA en die beginsels wat daaruit voortspruit. Dit beteken dat hierdie beginsels in alle fasette van ons persoonlike en openbare optrede sal geld. Die beginsel van geloofs- en gewetensvryheid word gehandhaaf. Besware moet skriftelik by die hoof ingedien word.
- Die kode handhaaf die Handves van Menseregte wat deur die Republiek van Suid-Afrika aanvaar is.
- Die skoolgemeenskap van Hoërskool John Vorster behou die reg om waardes,norme en kodes op te stel wat deur individue gerespekteer en gehandhaaf moet word.
- Die Grondwet, asook skoolreëls van Hoërskool John Vorster, word deurleerlinge, ouers en personeel aanvaar en toegepas.
- Die waardigheid, oortuigings en regte van personeel, ouers en leerlinge word wedersyds erken, asook die reg tot privaatheid en vertroulikheid.
- Verder stel dié gedragskode ‘n duidelike raamwerk vir optrede en verhoudings in ons skool sodat harmonie, respek en liefde ‘n kenmerk van ons skool sal wees. Die liefdesgebod behoort die basiese dryfveer in ons optrede te wees.
- Klem moet eerder geplaas word op gesonde waardes, waardering,aanmoediging en wedersydse respek as op veroordeling en straf.
- Regstellende optrede moet veral konsentreer om hierdie deugde vas te lê.
- Daar moet ruimte gemaak word vir persoonlike style en smake. Individue se reg hiertoe behoort gerespekteer en eerbiedig te word, maar bly ondergeskik an die skoolreëls.
- Die ontwikkeling van ‘n gebalanseerde karakter en persoonlikheid moet hoë prioriteit geniet.
- ‘n Hoë mate van integriteit en geloofwaardigheid moet geld in ons verhoudings waarin ons eerlik en opreg met mekaar handel.
- ‘n Ferm standpunt word ingeneem teenoor persone wat hierdie kodes oortree n daar sal nie gehuiwer word om op te tree teen die doelbewuste ondermyning hiervan nie.
The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa is the foundation for our Code of Conduct. These principles apply to all aspects of our personal and public conduct. We maintain the principle of religious and conscience freedom. Any objections or appeals have to be lodged, in writing, with the principal of the school.
- This Code maintains the Bill of Human Rights as accepted by the
Republic of South Africa. - The school community of this school reserves the right to establish the values, norms and codes for this school and these will be respected and adhered to
by all involved. - The constitution and rules of this school are accepted and will be applied by all learners, parents, guardians, educators and staff of this school.
- The dignity, rights and principles of staff, parents, guardians and learners are mutually recognized. So too the right to privacy and confidentiality.
- This Code of Conduct sets out a clear and definite framework for all relationships and conduct within our school in order to maintain a character of harmony, respect and love within our school. The commandment of love will be the motive for all conduct.
- Emphasis should be placed on healthy values, appreciation, encouragement and mutual respect rather than judgment and punishment.
- Corrective measures should concentrate on lying firm these virtues.
- Room should be provided for individual styles and preferences. The right of the individual should be respected but remains second to the code of the school.
- High priority should be given to the development of a balanced character and personality.
- All relationships and conduct should be characterized by integrity, honesty and sincerity. A firm stance should be taken against any individual transgressing this code. Immediate action will be taken against the deliberate undermining thereof.
GESAG – SASW (Wet No. 84 van 1996 Art. 8.(1)) bemagtig die Beheerliggaam van ‘n skool om dissipline te handhaaf.
- Gesagsfigure word erken en gerespekteer. Gesagsuittarting, -afkraking en -ondermyning is nie kenmerke van ‘n gesonde skoolgemeenskap nie. Waardering, aanvaarding en erkenning behoort eerder die kenmerke te wees.
- Die vlak van aanspreeklikheid en verantwoordelikheid word baie sterk in aanmerking geneem wanneer finale uitsprake gemaak word.
- Gesagsmisbruik word nie toegelaat nie. Gesag moet altyd gerig wees op dienslewering. Empatie en deernis in die toepassing van gesag is noodsaaklik vir ‘n harmonieuse skoolklimaat. Konsekwente, ferme en regverdige optrede is net so belangrik om orde en stabiliteit te handhaaf.
- Die finale verantwoordelikheid vir die leerder se gedrag lê by die ouer/voog. Indien nodig kan die skool ‘n interdik teen die ouer/voog aanvra om die ouer/voog te dwing om hierdie verantwoordelikheid na te kom.
KONFLIKHANTERING – beginsels en maatreëls.
- Aggressiewe reaksies bied nie oplossings nie. Emosionele beheer moet toegepas word. Waak teen onnodige aggressie m.b.t. stemgebruik en lyftaal.
- Wees eerlik en reguit sonder om takt en goeie oordeel prys te gee.
- Waak teen ‘n alles-of-nikshouding (wen of verloor). In enige konflik behoort partye ingestel te wees op kompromie waarby alle partye kan baat. Beginsels word nie prysgegee nie, maar styl wel.
- Wedersydse openhartigheid en eerlikheid behoort kenmerkend te wees van ons verhouding.
- Enige persoon moet die geleentheid gebied word om sy/haar saak te stel met verskille en teenargumente. Dit moet nie as persoonlike aanvalle beskou word nie.
- Die algemene regsbeginsel geld dat ‘n persoon onskuldig is totdat die teendeel bewys is.
- ‘n Persoon word nie in die openbaar beskuldig en verhoor nie – dit wek onnodige aggressie en is vernederend.
- Indien ‘n persoon nie bereid is om getuienis of verklarings af te lê nie, word bewerings as karakterskending beskou.
- Dit is onbillik om gevolgtrekkings te maak en emosioneel te reageer sonder om alle partye die geleentheid te bied om sy/haar saak te stel en alle feite te versamel.
- Indien geskille ontstaan, moet ‘n afspraak by die skool gereël word. Privaatheid van persone moet gerespekteer word.
- Aangeklaagdes word privaat verhoor. Onderhoude word as vertroulik beskou en nie met buitestanders bespreek nie.
- Alle feite en dokumentasie moet versamel word en indien nodig, moet beëdigde verklarings afgelê word.
- Aanklagte word as bewerings hanteer en die aangeklaagde kry ‘n kans om sy/haar saak te stel.
- Partye kry om die beurt die geleentheid om hulle saak te stel.
- Aantekeninge van onderhoude moet gemaak word.
- Konflikhantering moet eerder ingestel wees op permanente oplossings as om vergeldende stappe te neem.
- Leiding moet gegee word wanneer ‘n persoon oortree het deur middel van regstellende optredes en die verandering van sienswyses en norme.
- Daar moet nie gehuiwer word om duidelikheid te gee m.b.t. strafmaatreëls en die gevolge daarvan nie.
- Billike strafmaatreëls moet toegepas word en geleentheid sal gegun word om die saak reg te stel. Die straf moet verband hou met die oortreding en oortreder.
- Geskille word telkens deur daargestelde kanale besleg met die reg tot appèl na hoër gesag.
- Wanneer ‘n saak afgehandel is, word dit so hanteer. Dit is onbillik om gedurig na ou koeie te verwys.
- Vergewensgesindheid behoort ‘n sterk karaktereienskap te wees by ons gemeenskap. Verantwoordelikheid en rekenskap van ‘n persoon se optrede is ewe belangrik.
AUTHORITY – SASW (Act No. 84 of 1996 Art. 8. (1)) empowers the Governing Body of a school to maintain discipline.
- Authority figures are recognized and respected. Authority defiance, denigration and undermining are not characteristics of a healthy school community. Appreciation, acceptance and recognition should rather be the characteristics.
- The level of accountability and responsibility is very strongly taken into account when making final judgments.
- Abuse of authority is not allowed. Authority should always be focused on service delivery. Empathy and compassion in the exercise of authority are essential for a harmonious school climate. Consistent, firm and fair action is just as important as maintaining order and stability.
- The final responsibility for the learner’s behaviour lies with the parent / guardian. If necessary, the school can request an interdict against the parent / guardian to force the parent / guardian to fulfil this responsibility.
CONFLICT MANAGEMENT – principles and measures.
- Aggressive reactions do not offer solutions. Emotional control must be applied. Guard against unnecessary aggression with regard to voice use and body language.
- Be honest and straightforward without sacrificing tact and good judgment.
- Guard against an all-or-nothing attitude (win or lose). In any conflict, parties should be willing to compromise from which all parties can benefit. Principles are not given up, but style is.
- Mutual openness and honesty should be characteristic of our relationship.
- Any person should be given the opportunity to state his / her case with differences and counter-arguments. These should not be considered personal attacks.
- The general principle of law is that a person is innocent until proven guilty.
- A person is not accused and tried in public – it creates unnecessary aggression and is humiliating.
- If a person is not prepared to give evidence or statements, allegations are considered character infringement.
- It is unfair to draw conclusions and react emotionally without giving all parties the opportunity to state their case and gather all the facts.
- If disputes arise, an appointment must be arranged at the school. Privacy of persons must be respected.
- Defendants are being tried privately. Interviews are considered confidential and not discussed with outsiders.
- All facts and documentation must be collected and, if necessary, affidavits must be made.
- Charges are treated as allegations and the accused gets a chance to state his / her case.
- Parties in turn are given the opportunity to state their case.
- Notes of interviews must be made.
- Conflict management should focus on permanent solutions rather than retaliatory action.
- Guidance must be given when a person has transgressed through affirmative action and the change of views and norms.
- There should be no hesitation in giving clarity regarding punitive measures and their consequences.
- Fair penalties must be applied and opportunity will be given to rectify the matter. The punishment must be related to the offense and offender.
- Disputes are always resolved through established channels with the right to appeal to higher authority.
- When a case is settled, it is handled in this way. It is unfair to constantly refer to old cows.
- Forgiveness should be a strong characteristic of our community. Responsibility and accountability of a person’s actions are equally important.
Ouers / voogde en hulle kinders:
- Ouers/voogde aanvaar hulle primêre taak tot die totale opvoeding van hulle kinders en dit behels geestelike, fisiese en sosiale ontwikkeling, sowel as karakter- en persoonlikheidsgroei.
- Ouers/voogde behoort hulle kinders met liefde na volwassenheid te lei. Balans behoort gehandhaaf te word tussen liefde en dissipline en oortoegeeflikheid en oorheersing behoort vermy te word.
- Ouers/voogde aanvaar verantwoordelikheid vir hulle kinders se optrede en behoort moeite te doen om toesig en beheer uit te oefen en indien nodig, strafmaatreëls billik en regverdig toe te pas
- Binne die vermoëns van ouers/voogde behoort hulle ‘n gesonde belangstelling in die ontwikkeling van hulle kinders se aanlegte, karakters en persoonlikhede te toon.
- Die individualiteit van elke kind behoort erken en gerespekteer te word.
- Ouers/voogde behoort daarteen te waak om nie hulle onvervulde ideale op hulle kinders te verplaas nie.
- Moeite behoort gedoen te word om ‘n stabiele gesinslewe te kweek waarin liefde, respek, waardering en geborgenheid heers.
- Ouers/voogde behoort moeite te doen om kundigheid en hulp te verkry wanneer leemtes ervaar word.
- Besondere klem val op die selfstandigmaking van kinders. Kinders word geleer om krities ingestel te wees en om hulle eie persoonlikhede te ontwikkel met vaardighede wat nodig is om hierdie selfstandigheid te handhaaf.
- Balans behoort gehandhaaf te word in selfstandigheidsontwikkeling en die proses van sosialisering. Daarom moet veral klem geplaas word op respek, gesagsaanvaarding, onderhandeling, konflikhantering en om as individue groepsbelange te bevorder. Die krag van gesonde groepsvorming om doelwitte te bereik, moet uitgebou word.
- Die inskakeling in die breë Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing is belangrik om ten volle te kan funksioneer. Kinders moet geleer word om ‘n balans te handhaaf tussen die belang van hulle eie identiteit, groepsbelang en ‘n kultuur van verdraagsaamheid en inskakeling by die breë werksgemeenskap en samelewing.
Parents / Guardians and their children:
- Parents / Guardians accept their primary task to the total education of their children and this involves mental, physical and social development, as well as character and personality growth.
- Parents / Guardians should guide their children to adulthood with love. Balance should be maintained between love and discipline and indulgence and domination should be avoided.
- Parents / Guardians accept responsibility for their children’s actions and should make an effort to exercise supervision and control and, if necessary, apply punitive measures fairly and equitably
- Within the abilities of Parents / Guardians, they should show a healthy interest in the development of their children’s aptitudes, characters and personalities.
- The individuality of each child should be recognized and respected.
- Parents / Guardians should be careful not to shift their unfulfilled ideals onto their children.
- Efforts should be made to cultivate a stable family life in which love, respect, appreciation and security prevail.
- Parents / Guardians should make an effort to gain expertise and help when gaps are experienced.
- Particular emphasis is placed on the independence of children. Children are taught to be critical and to develop their own personalities with the skills needed to maintain this independence.
- Balance should be maintained in independence development and the process of socialization. Therefore, special emphasis must be placed on respect, acceptance of authority, negotiation, conflict management and the promotion of group interests as individuals. The power of healthy group formation to achieve goals needs to be expanded.
- The integration into the broad South African society is important in order to be able to function fully. Children need to be taught to maintain a balance between the importance of their own identity, group interest and a culture of tolerance and inclusion in the wider working community and society.
Ouers / Voogde en die Skool:
- Ouers/voogde erken, respekteer en handhaaf die Grondwet, gedragskode, skoolreëls en skoolprogram van ons skool.
- ‘n Spontane en oop verhouding tussen ouers/voogde en personeel behoort aangemoedig en gekweek te word. Die volgende kenmerke behoort sterk gestimuleer te word: eerlikheid, openhartigheid, billikheid, lojaliteit en ondersteuning.
- Ouers/voogde behoort moeite te doen om betrokke te raak by werksaamhede van die skool en word aangemoedig om hulle dienste, kundigheid en hulp aan te bied by die Beheerliggaam, komitees en aktiwiteite.
- Moeite behoort gedoen te word om betrokke te raak by die ontwikkeling van kinders in skoolverband deur die ondersteuning van oueraande, kommunikasie d.m.v. skrywes, onderhoude en die bywoning van aktiwiteite en funksies.
- Die professionaliteit van personeel word gerespekteer en ouers/voogde behoort daarteen te waak om nie op dié terrein te oortree deur onbehoorlike inmenging nie.
- Indien kwelvrae ontstaan, word die hoof genader.
- Personeel se privaatheid behoort gerespekteer te word en skoolsake behoort na skoolure (na 15:00) by die skool hanteer te word deur persoonlike afsprake te maak.
- Die gesag van personeel moet eerbiedig word en eensydige weergawes behoort eers met feite gekontroleer te word. Alle partye se weergawes moet aangehoor word.
- Die goeie naam van die skool behoort te alle tye beskerm te word en ouers/voogde behoort moeite te doen om lojaal te wees. Indien geskille ontstaan, behoort die skoolhoof en/of voorsitter van die beheerliggaam eers genader te word voordat departementele of regsingryping oorweeg word.
Parents / Guardians and the School:
- Parents / Guardians recognize, respect and uphold the Constitution, code of conduct, school rules and school program of our school.
- A spontaneous and open relationship between parents and staff should be encouraged and cultivated. The following characteristics should be strongly encouraged: honesty, openness, fairness, loyalty and support.
- Parents / Guardians should make an effort to become involved in the activities of the school and are encouraged to offer their services, expertise and assistance to the Governing Body, committees and activities.
- Efforts should be made to get involved in the development of children in school through the support of parent evenings, communication through writing, interviews and attending activities and functions.
- The professionalism of staff is respected and parents / guardians should be careful not to transgress in this area through undue interference.
- If questions arise, the principal is approached.
- Staff’s privacy should be respected and school matters should be handled after school hours (after 15:00) at the school by making personal appointments.
- The authority of staff should be respected and one-sided versions should first be checked with facts. All parties’ versions must be heard.
- The good name of the school should be protected at all times and parents should make an effort to be loyal. If disputes arise, the principal and / or chairperson of the governing body should first be approached before considering departmental or legal intervention.
Opvoeders aanvaar die gedragskode van die suid-afrikaanse onderwysraad (SACE).
Die opvoeder en die leerder:
- Eerbiedig die waardigheid, oortuigings en regte van leerders, asook hulle reg tot privaatheid en vertroulikheid.
- Erken die individualiteit en behoeftes van elke kind en lei en moedig kinders aan om hulle potensiaal te bereik.
- Doen sy of haar bes om leerders te besiel met waardes wat deur die skool en sy grondwet daargestel is.
- Opvoeders stel ‘n voorbeeld te alle tye in die handhawing van positiewe waardes.
- Tree met gesag, maar ook met deernis op.
- Leerders mag nie verneder word nie.
- Daar mag ook nie geslagtelik met hulle verkeer word nie.
- Leerders mag nie seksueel of liggaamlik geteister word nie.
- Opvoeders moet ordentlike taal gebruik en hulle op so ‘n wyse gedra dat dit respek by leerders sal afdwing.
- Opvoeders moet binne sy of haar vermoë die nodige stappe doen om die veiligheid en sorg van leerders te verseker.
- Opvoeders mag nie sy of haar posisie misbruik vir geldelike, politieke of persoonlike gewin nie.
All educators accept the code of conduct of the south african council of educators (SACE).
Educator and learner:
- The dignity, convictions, rights and right to privacy of learners should be respected.
- The individuality and needs of every child should be recognized. Every child should be guided and encouraged to reach his/her full potential.
- Educators should inspire every learner with values underwritten by the school and its constitution.
- Educators should at all times set an example of the maintaining of positive values.
- Educators should conduct themselves with authority and compassion.
- No learner shall be humiliated.
- No sexual conduct with learners shall be allowed.
- Learners shall not be harassed, physically or sexually.
- Educators shall behave impeccably at all times and shall use appropriate language, worthy of respect.
- Educators shall, within their power, ensure the safety of the learners.
- Educators shall not abuse their power or position for financial, political or personal gain.
Die opvoeder en die ouer:
- ‘n Opvoeder behoort goeie verhoudings met ouers te bevorder en samewerking met die ouerhuis aanbied.
- Respek vir ouers se opvoeding en status sal eerbiedig word.
- Hou ouers op hoogte van hulle kinders se vordering deur eerlike en gebalanseerde evaluering.
Educators and parents / guardians:
- Educators should promote healthy relations and cooperation with parents.
- Educators shall respect the upbringing and status of the parents.
- Educators shall keep parents updated of the progress of learners by reporting frequently, honestly and balanced.
Die opvoeder en die gemeenskap:
- ‘n Opvoeder erken dat ons skool die gemeenskap dien en aanvaar die verskillende gewoontes, oortuigings en gebruike hiervan.
Educators and the community:
- Educators acknowledge that our school serves the community and accept the right of members to different habits, convictions and practices.
Die opvoeder en kollegas:
- ondermyn nie die status en gesag van kollegas nie.
- val kollegas nie seksueel lastig nie.
- respekteer die verantwoordelikhede en gesag van kollegas op alle terreine.
- volg die korrekte prosedure in geval van professionele onbekwaamheid of wangedrag.
Educators and colleagues:
- never undermine the status or authority of colleagues.
- never harass any colleague sexually.
- respect the responsibility and authority of colleagues in all areas.
- follow the appropriate procedures in case of professional misconduct and incompetence.
Die opvoeder in die beroep:
- erken dat sy/haar pligte die samewerking en ondersteuning van kollegas vereis.
- bly op hoogte van die ontwikkelinge op onderwysgebied.
- bevorder die voortdurende ontwikkeling van onderwys.
- aanvaar dat hul professioneel teenoor die onderwys verantwoordelik is.
The educator in the profession:
- acknowledge that his / her duties are performed in cooperation with the support of colleagues.
- stay abreast of developments in the field of education.
- constantly promote the development of their profession.
- accept that they are professionally accountable.
Die opvoeders en die werkgewer:
- erken die werkgewer as vennoot.
- erken die verantwoordelikhede en gesag van die werkgewer en lewer die beste moontlike diens.
- bespreek nie vertroulike en amptelike sake met ongemagtigde persone nie.
- kan aan ‘n dissiplinêre verhoor onderwerp word indien hy/sy in ‘n hof aan ‘n kriminele misdryf skuldig bevind word en die misdryf ook ‘n oortreding van die gedragskode is.
Educators and the employer:
- acknowledge the employer as partner.
- acknowledge the responsibilities and authority of the employer and deliver the best possible service.
- shall never discuss official and confidential matters with unauthorised persons.
- could be called to a disciplinary hearing should he/she be found guilty of a criminal offense in a court of law and if the offense is a transgression of the code of conduct.
Die leerder en opvoeder:
- Die gesag van opvoeders word aanvaar en die kind onderwerp hom/haar aan die opvoeding en onderrig van die opvoeder.
- Opvoeders word met respek bejeën en ‘n leerder moet saamwerk om ten volle te ontwikkel t.o.v. die skoolprogram.
- Leerders moet die goeie naam van personeel beskerm en nie kwaadwilligheid saai nie.
- Opvoeders se eiendom en privaatheid moet beskerm en gerespekteer word.
- Leerders ontwikkel wedersydse vertroue deur openhartige kommunikasie met opvoeders.
- Konflikte en probleme moet langs erkende gesagskanale hanteer word.
Learner and educator:
- The authority of the educator will be accepted and the learner shall submit him/her to the education and teaching of the educator.
- Learners shall treat educators with respect and shall cooperate fully to develop him-/herself in accordance with the school program.
- Learners shall protect the good name of the school and educators and shall not spread malevolence.
- Learners shall respect and protect the property and privacy of educators.
- Learners shall develop mutual trust with the educators through open communication.
- Learners shall address conflict and problems through the proper and appropriate channels.
Die leerder en die skool:
- ‘n Leerder onderwerp hom/haar aan die grondwet, skoolreëls en skoolprogramvan die skool en doen alles in sy/haar vermoë om aan die skoolprogram deel te neem volgens eie talente en vermoëns.
- Respekteer die eiendom van die skool deur ‘n kultuur van bewaring en versorging te skep.
- Lojaliteit teenoor die skool sal te alle tye gehandhaaf en uitgebou word en die goeie naam van die skool moet beskerm word.
- Leerders moet intens betrokke raak by die skool sodat elke leerder maksimaal kan groei.
Learner and the school:
- Learners shall submit to the constitution, rules and program of the school.Learners shall participate in the school program to the best of their ability at all times.
- Learners shall respect the property of the school through a culture of protection and caring.
- Learners shall remain loyal at all times and shall protect the good name of the school.
- Learners shall become intensely involved with the maximum development of each learner.
Die leerder en medeleerders:
- ‘n Leerder moet medeleerders met respek behandel en hulle regte erken en beskerm.
- ‘n Leerder aanvaar dat verhoudings met medeleerders belangrik is vir sosiale vorming.
- Die handhawing van individuele regte teenoor inskakeling by die groep moet op ‘n gebalanseerde wyse beoefen word.
- Daar moet gewaak word teen afskeiding aan die een kant en groepsverslawing aan die ander kant.
- ‘n leerder moet besondere respek handhaaf teenoor die reg van ‘n medeleerder om onderrig te ontvang en praktyke vermy wat hierdie reg ondermyn.
- Die eiendom en die persoon van medeleerders moet gerespekteer en beskerm word.
- ‘n leerder erken die gesag van medeleerders wat tot leierposisies gekies word en bied heelhartige samewerking hierin.
- Die tugmaatreëls van die skool word aanvaar en elke leerder onderwerp hom/haar hieraan. Indien onbillike toepassing hiervan plaasvind, word die erkende kanale tot appèl gevolg.
- Leerders mag nie kwaadwillige uitsprake/kommentaar, van die skool, medeleerders,ouers of personeel op sosiale netwerke (bv. Facebook, whatsapp ens.) maak nie.
Learner and fellow learners:
- Learners shall respect fellow learners and acknowledge and protect their rights.
- Learners shall accept the relationship with fellow learners as important for social development.
- Balance should be kept between group socializing and individual rights.
- Learners should guard against isolation and group addiction.
- Learners shall respect the right of fellow learners to receive education and shall in no way hinder or prevent that right.
- Learners shall protect and respect the person and personal property of fellow learners.
- Learners shall acknowledge the authority of fellow learners in leadership positions and shall cooperate at all times.
- Learners shall accept and acknowledge the system of correctional measures of the school. The appropriate channels should be followed in the event of disputes or appeals.
- Learners may not post any derogatory comments of the school, fellow learners, parents or educators on any social media platform. (for example: Facbook, Whatsapp etc.)